Sunday, April 12, 2009

R.I.P. - Minki

January 8, 2007- March 28, 2009

You'll be missed.

Swapping with the less-than-enthusiastic sales girl.

Carly gave up the binkies a couple weeks ago. We took her to Target to trade in her binkies for a toy. I tried very hard to get her to pick out something other than a dolly. I showed her bikes and scooters, a slide but nothing worked. She was set on getting a new baby. She named her new dolly Becca and the new baby is a welcome addition to the clan. Jenny and I were both excited that she named her something other than Kelly (we have Kelly 1, 2 & 3 already).

Becca drinks from a bottle, falls asleep, and giggles when tickled (or stepped on- which is really creepy at 2 a.m.). Carly has not mentioned the binkies since, but nap times are harder and we get a little visitor by our bedside at 2 a.m. every morning.


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